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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Voting is now open
*** Top 3 :
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Post-tour notes from Morrissey
7 September 2006
Thanks, as always, to Julia for the invitation to write some more notes for True To You. I will try my best to be interesting although I fare far better these days with hand signals.Thanks to everyone who came to Brussels for our 70th concert of this year.The audience was

In Iceland I saw the film "Capote" and, like everybody else, my jaw dropped at the performance of Philip Seymour Hoffman. I think it is somewhat implausible though that Capote would be quite so casually accepted by the hardened natures of Dick and Perry, especially in view of Capote's bubblegum lisp. However, don't make fun of Truman's voice. It's easy to arrange a story into loving myth once all the central characters are dead, and I'm not even sure if Truman was a writer at all, or just someone who sneaked around and watched. But he was funny. When I put him on the cover of the Smiths single 'The Boy With the Thorn In His Side' a certain member of the Smiths (who unfortunately is still alive) said, "is that Ernie Wise?" .... dear God ...
On the nighttime drive from Karlstad to Oslo I felt surprised, amazed and privileged to be alive. The scenery was tearfully breath taking; full moon on still lakes. I'm humbled by the beauty of Scandinavia, and by how the people and the press are so open and welcoming. During the afternoon of the Oslo festival I walked through the center of the city and sat in the park. A lone British voice said "'ullo Morrissey" but otherwise I went unnoticed and felt securely at home. I sat on the grass in the park and, when the sun struck at a certain angle, I felt that life really wasn't that bad. This moment passed quickly.
At Oslo we attempted our own version of Roxy Music's "Street Life" - which we had tried at Karlstad to the blankest of blank reactions from the audience. The same blankness occurred at Oslo, and I couldn't wait for the song to end even though Mikey had done well with the whirring white noise. It's the first time I felt stranded in time, and that the audience hadn't a clue what the song was meant to be. I'd only sing it again under hypnosis - and that's a promise.Like Iceland, Austria was a big thrill for me, and I was astonished that the audience was so large. Austrian life and landscapes seem measured and orderly and beautiful to me; I feel deformed and punctured in comparison. Life is like that. Beauty makes me shrink, whereas grime gives me strength.At the V festival in Stafford there was a large screen on which I looked hunched and contorted [but only because I am.] After the Chelmsford festival three teenagers were killed in a car crash on their way home. Nobody knows what human life is...
I had made the download request at V because Sanctuary had asked me to, and they had suggested it because we were faced yet again with zero airplay and the unassailable competition of all the usual marketing devices that would pull the mid-week #6 rug out from underneath us. It all seemed so unfair.We would be pushed out by 'artists' whose audience wouldn't fill an average kitchen in a Battersea council flat. Modern life is war.
I did not enjoy the Dublin festival as much as I'd hoped; the Point would've been better. Just as, earlier in the year, the two nights at the Olympia seemed silly; the Point would've been better. Also, at Marlay Park I had no say in the rest of the bill, yet the groups were presented on all advertising as being my special guests! Now, of course, as nice as the Magic Numbers are - and they are - my own choice of bill would have been Kristeen Young, Damien Dumpster (if he would deign), the Immediate, Sack, the Pony Club, The Seven Deadly Skins, Gaynor Tension, and Annie Balls.... I'm not saying they'd agree to take part, but I would've asked....
From Dublin we went to Paris to walk and melt and walk and melt and walk and melt; this is what people do in Paris. It's the only city in which I bitterly regret not being a smoker. I did an interview for Canal+ television and I said all the usual things in the usual way. I ought to be beheaded.The Rock En Seine concert was fantastic - for me, anyway; I have no idea why I talk so much onstage when, years ago, I would virtually sing with my mouth closed - sealed up like an envelope until the final song. Now, I stick one word after another in the hope of making a sentence. Occasionally, it works.Whilst wandering in Paris I find an LP copy of "Live at Earls Court" which surprises me since I had no idea it had ever been pressed on vinyl. I then notice that the track 'The World is Full of Crashing Bores' is printed as 'The World is Full of Crashing Boars,' a mistake that is repeated inside on the label. Further, 'The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get' is listed as 'The More You Ignore Me,' and 'Bigmouth Strikes Again' is misprinted as the obligatory 'Big Mouth Strikes Again.' It is difficult for me to understand how anything of this nature could be misread and THEN misprinted without some determined effort. But it is not as bad as the original UK CD copies of "Your Arsenal" which have the immortal line: 'Track 1 taken from the album Your Arsenal,' printed on the label!Or, the original LP copies of "Kill Uncle" in the UK, which have me, named as ...Morrisey......sigh.It is not unreasonable to assume that all people who work in record companies have eyes that are too large for their sockets.If they don't make mistakes they will die.
Throughout the 70 dates I still rate Gothenburg highly - partly in view of the fact that the McDonalds restaurant attached to the venue agreed to shut down entirely for the night of the concert. We all found this to be an astonishing gesture. It would never happen in either England or the US. Sweden is civil.The worst night, I think, was Gateshead, and this was because of the venue's policy to give the first two rows over to its staff - and not to the public. This quite obviously means that the people in the first two rows aren't terribly excited, but take their place anyway, and without much enthusiasm. It was unsettling for me to sing to people who were chatting amongst themselves and looking away and knitting sweaters whilst I yelped my guts out. I think the Sage should ditch this policy. But who am I?
For the immediate future I am excited to be asked by Morricone (yes, Morricone) to sing and supply words for one of his musical pieces with a view to presenting this song at Carnegie Hall. Joy, joy, joy.
Now, much more importantly, I seek no praise for predicting [in Uncut magazine in April] that Italy would win the World Cup. I sat by myself and watched the final game, but I promise you, I didn't whoop or gloat. Life is for whoever has the luck. Finicky ways pay off.I spent the rest of the night sitting at the window of the hotel, with studied diffidence and not much else.
For your own sakes, take care.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
En el 2006 Morrissey sí cumplió con el Benicàssim
Varias semanas sin dejar rastro en el blog, y mi regreso es para comentar una de las presentaciones más esperadas del FIB de este año.
Algunos de los que terminan dando vueltas en forma de espiral en este blog se que han asistido al FIB 2006, y que mejor que ellos para relatar lo que sucedió ese día, pero también se que muchos prefieren seguir el mismo camino que la que escribe, así que lo único que haré será relatar a grandes rasgos el concierto y a quienes deseen tener el concierto grabado de ‘radio 3’, emitido en directo el mismo día la presentación, no tienen mas que enviarme un email.
En el 2004 el Benicassim anunciaba la presentación de Morrissey, en donde el ‘You Are The Quarry’ sería interpretado por el Mozzer por primera vez en España, pero a escasas horas de que Morrissey subiera al escenario verde del FIB una nota de prensa informaba que el Mozz cancelaba su presentación, cancelando a la vez la ilusión de muchos asistentes al FIB 2004. Conozco a varias personas que ese día iban exclusivamente a ver al Mozzer y que al final tuvieron que quedarse con las ganas de verlo debiendo regresar a casa y conformarse con ver la presentación de Morrissey en otros festivales, escuchar sus discos, ver los DVDs, etc.
Este año el FIB 2006 volvía a anunciar a Morrissey junto con una muy atractiva lista de artistas -muy bueno el cartel la verdad >_<-. Con los antecedentes del Mozzer en el Benicàssim muchos dudaban de si realmente Morrissey llegaría a presentarse, ya que pensaban en que podía anunciarse la cancelación a último minuto de nuevo, pero felizmente no fue así, Morrissey se presentó en Castellón >_<.
Un poco antes de que el sol cayera sobre Benicassim, la explanada central estaba abarrotada, muchos de los asistentes portaban gladiolos y llevaban puestas sus camisetas de los Smiths y Morrissey, coreando a la vez el nombre del ex – líder de una de las bandas más importantes de Manchester y de los 80s. Finalmente Morrissey aparecía en el escenario con una camisa amarilla (luego cambiaría a una celeste y luego azul) mientras que el resto de la banda llevaba puesto una camiseta roja. En el fondo, la fotografía gigante de uno de los principales inspiradores del Mozz, Oscar Wilde.
Durante el concierto Morrissey hizo mención a las ventas en España de su último disco (# 46 en las listas), aludiendo con tono sarcástico (siempre >_<) la escasa demanda del álbum en relación a otros años, concluyendo que mientras para otros eso era ‘crap’ para él estaba ‘blessed’.
También dedico a Syd Barrett la canción 'I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now'.
Ya oculto el sol y tras hora y media de concierto, Morrissey culminaría su presentación diciendo: ‘Tocaremos una canción más y luego los abandonaremos en la oscuridad’ -_- tocando ‘Life is a Pigsty’.
Algunos videos del FIB en el YouTube:
Monday, May 22, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Morrissey envahit la France
No hay duda que los franceses están que no pueden con tanta felicidad que agotaron en pocas horas las entradas para la presentación del Moz en el Olympia, así que los que se demoraron un poquito, 'caballeros a las subastas'.

En este momento en la página web de 'Les Inrockuptibles' se puede disfrutar de 5 minutos de la entrevista que Morrissey hubiera ofrecido a la revista français, en donde habla de como se siente con el nuevo álbum, el trabajo de Toni Visconti, la participación de Jesse Tobias (a quien tuve la suerte de encontrar >_<, muy amable Jesse), etc etc.
La página en donde pueden ver el adelanto del dvd 'vídeo aquí'.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Morrissey en 'señal de protesta' no irá Canada a promocionar el nuevo álbum
-no pude dormir bien -_- -
Esta mañana Morrissey se manifestó sobre dicha noticia, declarando que no llevará a cabo ninguna presentación en Canada promocionando el nuevo álbum a manera de rotunda queja y oposición a lo que se viene dando en aquel país al Norte de América.
27 March 2006
Statement from Morrissey:
"We will not include any Canadian dates on our world tour to promote our new album. This is in protest against the barbaric slaughter of over 325,000 baby seals which is now underway.I fully realise that the absence of any Morrissey concerts in Canada is unlikely to bring the Canadian economy to its knees, but it is our small protest against this horrific slaughter - which is the largest slaughter of marine animal species found anywhere on the planet.The Canadian Prime Minister says the so-called "cull" is economically and environmentally justified, but this is untrue.The seal population has looked after itself for thousand of years without human intervention, and, as the world knows, this slaughter is about one thing only: making money. The Canadian government will stream all of the pelts into the fashion industry and this is the reason why the baby seals are killed with spiked clubs that crush their skulls - any damage to their pelts is avoided. The Canadian Prime Minister also states that the slaughter is necessary because it provides jobs for local communities, but this is an ignorant reason for allowing such barbaric and cruel slaughter of beings that are denied life simply because somebody somewhere might want to wear their skin.Construction of German gas chambers also provided work for someone - this is not a moral or sound reason for allowing suffering.If you can, please boycott Canadian goods. It WILL make a difference. As things stand, Canada has placed itself alongside China as the cruelest and most self-serving nation."
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ha comenzado

Los primeros afortunados fueron los de Oklahoma (US), en donde Morrissey realizó dos presentaciones el 13 y 14 de Marzo.
El tracklist fue:
First Of The Gang To Die / Still Ill / You Have Killed Me / The Youngest Was The Most Loved / Reader Meet Author / I Have Forgiven Jesus / I Will See You In Far-off Places / My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye / Girlfriend In A Coma / Let Me Kiss You / Life Is A Pigsty / Trouble Loves Me / How Soon Is Now? / Suedehead / At Last I Am Born / I Just Want To See The Boy Happy / Irish Blood, English Heart // Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
Se que es difícil para un seguidor del Mozzer ser imparcial, pero debo decir que sólo he recibido

Una de las canciones que más comentarios ha recibido es 'Still ill', aquí una muestra;
'Morrissey had been sick the whole week. He arrives on stage and says "as you have probably heard I 've been very ill and you'll all be very pleased to her that I am .............. Still Ill" and then launched into alsation cousin I believe'.
También 'Suedehead', que ha sufrido cierta modificación en la letra, para muchos 'apropiada' jeje;
"you had to sneak into my roomjust to listen to Your Arsenalit was just to see, just seeall the crap you knew, i'd written about you".
Bueno, para quienes quieran escuchar algunos temas de la presentación de Morrissey del pasado 14 de Marzo, me envían un e-mail y yo se los envío asap; aunque eso si, advierto que la calidad no es lo mejor que hay, pero se deja escuchar ;).